About the ML&R Community Committee
Chaired by ML&R Risk Assurance & Advisory Partner Kate Williams, the ML&R Community Committee will support new and continued philanthropic efforts in 2023.
The committee sets out to: 1) ensure everyone at ML&R feels empowered to unapologetically support the various causes they care about, and 2) create opportunities for employees to give their time, talents, and treasure to serve others in the Austin area and their local communities.
The inaugural team will include:
- Kate Williams
- Shannon Peterson
- Jill Lewis
- Amy Gates
- Laura Turner
- MaryBeth Meyer
- Josh Clifford
- Jessica Frye
- Jenel Garoutte
- Lanette Pogue
Kickoff Fundraising Event
The Community Committee kicked off their efforts at the December ML&R Firmwide Meeting.
During a three-hour period at the meeting, the committee raised $3,100 for the Central Texas Food Bank. This donation provided over 2,400 meals for Central Texas residents at risk for hunger.
The committee also collected several boxes (i.e., a full car load!) of donations for the SAFE Alliance to support women, children, and families experiencing abuse.
Upcoming Activities
Amplify Austin Day is the biggest day of giving in Central Texas, raising $82 million dollars for the local community. During a single 24-hour period, from 6:00 PM on March 1 to 6:00 PM on March 2, 2023 residents across a 7-county region will come together to support more than 700 nonprofits by making a donation through the platform, AmplifyATX.org. The Community Committee will support Maxwell Locke & Ritter’s fundraising efforts for this event.